EU MODEX Training of Trainers Workshop:
EU MODEX aims to better prepare EU civil protection modules, response capacities, civil protection authorities and experts for international deployments under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). This series of exercises is an integral preparedness component of the UCPM. This week I was invited to participate in the Trainers Workshop in Ede, The Netherlands. The various EU MODEX exercises utilise teams of selected and experienced coaches/trainers (C/T) to support Modules and participants in achieving specific personal, professional, or team goals by observing and analysing performance and providing coaching, guidance, and training where necessary. The Training of Trainers course aims to prepare EU MODEX C/T of all EU MODEX Lots to effectively fulfil their roles, tasks, and responsibilities in the EU MODEX, and to ensure the coaching/training provision is more predictable in approach and quality.
I enjoyed the course, presented by Sean Moore OBE FInSTR, Alan Pellowe and Karin Rozendal-Grandjean very much and I hope to be a better coach and trainer now, I will find time to do so.