

Brussels, DG ECHO: On 10 February was the kick-off meeting of the project CROSSFLOOD, a full scale Civil Protection exercise, funded by DG ECHO. The meeting was chaired by Mariangela Pelliccia, I had the opportunity to meet friends and key contacts from my EUCPT mission to the Baltics last year…
Cross Border Flood Response Exercise in a Post Conflict Environment – CROSSFLOOD is a UCPM Funded Full-scale Exercise aimed at training civil protection organisations and Union Civil Protection Mechanism modules on operating their mission set in a post-conflict environment hit by flooding. 

I want to outline, why I find it very interesting to be part of this project. The Civil Protection landscape is quickly changing, the natural hazards are increasingly replaced by crises, pre- and post-conflict environments and spatial mobility/migration (the actual version of population movement). Therefore, CROSSFLOOD will cover both scenarios, management of disasters (flooding) and post-conflict scenarios (e.g. demining, treatment of UXOs, and CBRN hazards) and their management.
Our partner, the Departamentul pentru Situații de Urgență is the coordinator of the project and publiComm is supporting the project coordinator with organisational and logistic management. Resilience Solutions, Bundeswehr University Munich, and NCT Consultants as well as the Ukrainian Lviv State University of Life Safety are competent partners in this challenging project.



Josef Riener

Zivilschutz und Katastrophenhilfe Konsulent und Herausgeber